Monday, August 25, 2014

Top 3 iPhone, iPad app to watch Asian Drama for free

1. vChannel iPhone/iPad App (Free)

vChannel  is a RSS Video Player for iPhone and iPad. 
You need to add RSS video feed in order to watch dramas, news and video clips. 

How to use:
01) Download vChannel App on you iPhone/iPad.
02) After installed, add this RSS URL: (or your own RSS feed URL).
03) Goto Home section on your App. Now, you should able to see the videos.

Pros: Able to watch Asian Drama as well as Hong Kong Cantonese Drama, News and Video clips. 

Cons: After installed, you need to add the RSS feed. Advertisement shows up occasionally at the beginning of the video playback.

2. Viki iOS/Android App (Free)

Watch Korean/Japanese/Chinese/Taiwanese drama with Viki iOS.

How to use:
01) Download Viki App on you iPhone/iPad.
02) After installed, you can watch instantly.

Pros: Watch instantly. Mainly Korean TV Drama. Some Japanese, Taiwan and China TV Drama. Some Korean and Japanese movie.

Cons: Without Hong Kong Cantonese drama and Mainland China drama.  Advertisement shows up in the video playback every 15 minutes.

3. Crunchroll  iOS/Android App (Free)

Watch Korean/ Japanese/ Anime drama with Crunchroll iOS. 

How to use:
01) Download Crunchroll App on you iPhone/iPad.
02) After installed, you can watch instantly.

Pros: Watch instantly.  Mainly Korean TV Drama and Some Japanese TV Drama Available.

Cons: With only 2 Hong Kong Cantonese drama and Mainland China drama. Advertisement shows up in the video playback every 10 minutes. Take long time to buffer each video.

Line Walker - 使徒行者

TVB 2014

Line Walker - 使徒行者

Language: Cantonese

Country: Hong Kong

Times: 31 Episodes
Production Company: TVB
Producer: Man Wai Hung

Release Date: 25 August 2014

Cast: Michael Miu, Charmaine Sheh, Raymond Lam, Sharon Chan, Benz Hui, Elena Kong, Sammy Sum, Oscar Leung, Toby Leung
Genre: Thriller, CrimeModern

Description: Following the mysterious death of his colleague, CIB Chief Inspector Michael Miu discovers that the five undercover cops under his colleague's watch have gone missing. As the undercovers hold highly confidential information concerning the police force and society's safety, Michael is determined to find them. He finally tracks down one of the missing agents - Charmaine Sheh, posing as the owner of a foot massage shop. In order to recover her identity, Charmaine agrees to infiltrate the triads. She manages to get close to Raymond Lam, a member of an illegal gambling group. The two begin an elusive relationship built on lies. But just as Charmaine edges closer to the truth, Michael suddenly halts the operation. This is when Sharon Chan from the ICAC intervenes into the case. Through Sharon, Michael meets her elder sister, Elena Kong. Meanwhile, the triad leader Benz Hui has been released from jail and his assistant Sammy Sum's actions is catching Michael's attention. The relationships between the police and the triad become increasingly complex; with everyone claiming to be fighting for justice, who truly dictates justice?


故事大綱: 臥底,經常給人一種神秘而冷酷無情的印象。事實上,做臥底,是否一定要過着眾叛親離、六親不認的生活?是否無可避免要經歷幕幕腥風血雨、刀光劍影?一位成 長於紅燈區的警方女臥底,被指派協助尋找幾名下落、身份不明的臥底。在紛亂的黑幫派系爭鬥、立場分明的警匪對峙中,遊走黑白兩道,進行一場屬於臥底的生存 遊戲……

市井臥底 委以重任

丁小嘉(佘詩曼飾)成長於聲色犬馬的砵蘭街,被三個妓女撫養長大,耳濡目染下,養成一身江湖習氣。小嘉投考警察後,被刑事情報科的康道行(歐瑞偉飾)委派 做專責收集情報的臥底,並在砵蘭街經營沐足店作為掩飾。可惜,道行因查出警隊內部的害群之馬而被殺人滅口,而出事之前他為了保護查出關鍵的臥底,將包括小 嘉在內的五個臥底資料全部刪除。正當小嘉惶惶不可終日之時,刑事情報科總督察卓凱(苗僑偉飾)以新接頭人的身份聯絡小嘉,希望她協助尋回其他四名下落不明 的臥底。

薛家強(林峯飾)是一個不折不扣的賭徒,混跡於「撻沙」游達富(彭懷安飾)的外圍集團做「大艇」,並與好兄弟張木榮(梁烈唯飾)從事製冰廠的工作,掩飾自 己的外圍生意。小嘉混入家強的外圍集團,成為旗下「艇仔」,更憑其聰明機智,令家強旗下的外圍盤數飆升,助他迅速上位。小嘉雖然小心行事,但在追尋其他臥 底的過程中,渾然不知自己的身份已被家強慢慢識破……

黑幫巨頭 重奪勢力

曾經叱吒江湖的黑幫大佬覃歡喜(許紹雄飾)出獄,身邊還伴隨着一位在獄中招攬的財技高手連浩勤(沈震軒飾)。浩勤入獄前在金融機構工作,後來因為虧空公款 而入獄,浩勤的女朋友莫羨昕(陳敏之飾)認為浩勤為錢不擇手段,毅然提出分手。浩勤出獄後重遇羨昕,卻發現前女友已是「O記」總督察葉兆良(鄧健泓飾) 未婚妻。

失意的浩勤運用機智與財技,在極短時間內為歡喜在金融市場大撈一筆,迅速成為歡喜的得力助手。當時正值社團選舉年,身家暴漲的歡喜為報「撻沙」陷害之仇, 誓言要在坐館選舉中奪回失去的一切。歡喜的出現改變了黑幫勢力架構,家強認為與歡喜合作才能繼續「發圍」,二人使計令「撻沙」整個勢力一夜瓦解,家強因此 獲歡喜賞識,與小嘉一同加盟其勢力集團。自此,小嘉、家強、浩勤成為歡喜的左右手。

正邪相鬥 情義兩難

卓凱多年來在警隊仕途一帆風順,擔任ICAC調查員的羨昕覺得可疑,更懷疑卓凱與警方高層受賄一事有關,對卓凱展開調查,令謹慎的卓凱變得警惕。卓凱利用 CIB技倆作反監聽,無意中發現羨昕的姊姊莫羨晴(江美儀飾)遭遇家暴,卓凱不禁出手相助,沒想到自己卻意外地進入了羨晴的感情世界……

另一方面,卓凱通過調查發現,黑白兩道背後都存在比所知勢力更大的黑影,金錢與政治的黑暗緊密相連。卓凱一方面要應付ICAC的嚴密監視,又要與警隊內的 害群之馬角力,重重挑戰接踵而來。同一時間,小嘉收到卓凱情報,得知歡喜之上還有一個幕後金主,操縱整個黑幫勢力的發展。為了能夠正面接觸金主,卓凱要求 小嘉變節,借用家強、浩勤等人的力量,剷除關係與自己情同父女的歡喜,情義兩難全,小嘉如何抉擇?另外,她最終能否成功找回下落不明的臥底?

Rear Mirror - 載得有情人

TVB 2014

Rear Mirror - 載得有情人

Language: Cantonese

Country: Hong Kong

Times: 20 Episodes
Production Company: TVB
Producer:  Fong Chun Chiu
Release Date: 11 August 2014

Cast: Wayne Lai, Louisa So, Tony Hung, Natalie Tong, Ronald Law , Amy Fan, Chung King Fai (King Sir), Susan Tse , Benjamin Yuen , Stanley Cheung , Mary Hon, Elaine Yiu 
Genre:  Modern, Romance

Description: A grass-roots driver falls in love with an icy superior of the company. They feel the same about each other so much that they overcome the barriers between them. A fairy tale of two soul males in the city.


故事大綱:  小巴司機祁逸昇(黎耀祥飾)愧對亡父教誨、經歷情傷、生意失敗種種挫折後決定重新振作,堅持將女友與他人所生的兒子扶養成人。一直視逸昇為大哥的鄰居洪子朗(羅鈞滿飾)雖寄望家姐洪麗莎(樊亦敏飾)與逸昇開花結果,分擔壓力,但逸昇始終對感情事有所保留。一天一場交通事故令逸昇與饒氏掌舵人饒毅昕(蘇玉華飾)相遇,毅昕賞識逸昇並聘他為私人司機,但公司人事複雜,孤軍作戰的毅昕受秘密監視,家裡只有堂弟饒至孝(洪永城飾)較為可靠,但宅男思想欠主見,與同事梅敏君(唐詩詠飾)關係拖泥帶水,毅昕又誤以為逸昇貪財已遭收買,要求他七日內離職,卻在關鍵時刻,逸昇帶毅昕走出了困局,一段微妙的感情慢慢滋長,奈何二人同感身份地位背景懸殊,活似現實裡的童話故事主人翁,卻陷在模糊界限徘徘徊徊……