Rear Mirror - 載得有情人
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Production Company: TVB
Producer: Fong Chun Chiu
Release Date: 11 August 2014
Cast: Wayne Lai, Louisa
So, Tony Hung, Natalie Tong, Ronald Law , Amy Fan, Chung King Fai (King
Sir), Susan Tse , Benjamin Yuen , Stanley Cheung , Mary Hon, Elaine
Genre: Modern, Romance
A grass-roots driver falls in love
with an icy superior of the company. They feel the same about each other so
much that they overcome the barriers between them. A fairy tale of two soul
males in the city.
故事大綱: 小巴司機祁逸昇(黎耀祥飾)愧對亡父教誨、經歷情傷、生意失敗種種挫折後決定重新振作,堅持將女友與他人所生的兒子扶養成人。一直視逸昇為大哥的鄰居洪子朗(羅鈞滿飾)雖寄望家姐洪麗莎(樊亦敏飾)與逸昇開花結果,分擔壓力,但逸昇始終對感情事有所保留。一天一場交通事故令逸昇與饒氏掌舵人饒毅昕(蘇玉華飾)相遇,毅昕賞識逸昇並聘他為私人司機,但公司人事複雜,孤軍作戰的毅昕受秘密監視,家裡只有堂弟饒至孝(洪永城飾)較為可靠,但宅男思想欠主見,與同事梅敏君(唐詩詠飾)關係拖泥帶水,毅昕又誤以為逸昇貪財已遭收買,要求他七日內離職,卻在關鍵時刻,逸昇帶毅昕走出了困局,一段微妙的感情慢慢滋長,奈何二人同感身份地位背景懸殊,活似現實裡的童話故事主人翁,卻陷在模糊界限徘徘徊徊……
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